1. The SDK

The free Software Development Kit included with the VirZOOM system allows you to design your own games in addition to those included with the Arcade suite that comes with the system. Additionally, the Arcade suite includes free game updates forever. Assuming the game updates happen frequently enough, the combination of these two features means you’ll never get bored of biking through the same environment or playing the same game.

2. It’s a fun way to get people to exercise

Getting people up and off their butts to keep their bodies healthy is a modern dilemma. The bike offers a great way to make exercise more enjoyable through the virtual reality games. It will appeal to gamers and non-gamers alike, allowing people to combine their love for games and fitness.

3. The price

While $399.95 is certainly no small price, it’s fairly reasonable when you compare it to the cost of most gym memberships. Especially when you consider that the price is only a one-time thing, and the system will (hopefully) last you multiple years. Plus, there’s no shipping fee if you live in the US or Canada.

4. It allows you to exercise at home

Being able to fit in a workout from home in a more fun way than simply having a stationary bike in your living room will benefit many. People who have no way of transporting themselves to a fitness center can utilize VirZOOM, as can parents who can’t leave their children home alone.


Overall, from what we’ve learned so far, the VirZOOM system seems pretty great. Of course, we won’t know the true extent of its capabilities until people actually begin trying it out, but for now, it’s an impressive idea. The system is currently available for preorder on the VirZOOM website and will hit stores later this year.