Basically, VR isn’t incredibly important for Xbox right now, and “if somebody was waiting for us to bring out a VR headset for Series X, at the launch or something, we’re not going to do that.”
That’s mostly because of how challenging it is to successfully implement VR. Spencer said it requires more effort than just plugging in an extra peripheral, and the team’s resources are focused on other projects related to the Series X.
One of those is probably the extensive testing Spencer himself is involved in, along with plans for some big marketing changes in the next console generation. On top of that, there’s likely a lot in the pipe we don’t yet know about.
Still, this doesn’t mean we’ll never see VR on Xbox Series X.
“I hope it’s something that’s so important that it would be a no-brainer for us to go and support it” Spencer told the Gamertag team.
Hopefully, Spencer talking more about the focus on Xbox moving into the next-gen is a sign we’ll be getting more information on both the XSX in the near future. We know Sony is planning something soon.
Whatever the case may be, stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Xbox Series X and next-gen console news as it develops.