Before venturing into the aquatic area of Venture Bay, be sure to bring along three battle pets and at least one underwater mount, as you’ll spend a lot of time under the water.
How to Get Glimr in World of Warcraft
Glimmerfin Scale
Start the quest by going to coordinates 18.5, 88.3, which is a tiny iceberg at Grizzly Hills.
There you will find a Glimmerfin Scout that spawns regularly. You need to make it run away and leave behind some Glimmerfin Scale.
Then, travel to Borean Tundra and show the scale to King Mrgl-Mrgl.
Glimmerfin Welcome
This part of the quest will require you to collect 10x Meaty Crab Chunks in the underwater.
Once you have all the chunks, you need to bring them to Glimmergut, who resides at Venture Bay.
A Big Horkin’ Task
Glimmergut will ask you to bring him a Pile of Blubberfat, which can be extracted from Horker lion seals that occupy the same area as Glimmergut.
You only need to kill one Horker to get the required drop, so this is a relatively easy task.
Once you deliver the Blubberfat to Glimmergut, he will tell you to deliver it to Glimmerfin Oracle, who resides nearby.
Pearl in the Deeps
Glimmerfin Oracle will ask you to bring her the Giant Pearl, which can be found in the waters of Venture Bay.
In order to make your search easier just go to these coordinates 21.8, 95.6 and pick up the pearl.
Trainer’s Test
This part of the quest will require you to make up a team of pets and enter the battle with Trainer Grrglin, who occupies an iceberg at coordinates 21.5, 88.7.
Grrglin will pit three pets against you:
Flipper, a pengling (rare) Snipper, a crab (uncommon) Whipper, a seahorse (common)
The max level of pets is 25, so you should have no problem beating them.
Wrap it Up
Go back to Glimmerfin Oracle, who will ask you to collect three more items:
Warm Seaweed Stalk Young Seaweed Stalk Bulbous Seaweed Stalk
These can be found at coordinates 11.2, 95.0; 8.9, 94.3; and 12.7, 96.7 respectively.
Guardian of the Smallest
Finally, you need to defeat the last boss - the Great Mua’kin (Level 50). This Makrura lobster resides underwater at coordinates 8.7, 91.2.
Great Mua’kin uses three abilities throughout the fight:
Claw Crack, which is a simple physical attack Sand Smash, which is a stun ground slam Spiked Carapace, another physical attack
You can take him single-handedly, if your character is well-geared, and if not, then take him out as a team.
As a reward for beating the Great Mua’kin you will receive an egg with Glimr murloc pet.
That’s all you need to know on how to get Glimr in World of Warcraft. Check out other World of Warcraft guides.