In addition to the 36 spec variations, there are also a wide variety of skin and color alternatives – 170 in total. If you have 50 minutes to spare, you can see all of the different styles and colors in this video produced by Bellular Gaming. We’ll be posting a variant image for each of the weapons (Death Knight, Demon Hunter and Druid for this guide) and in subsequent guides featuring the rest of the classes.

The acquisition of each of these weapons takes place early on in Legion, requiring a level 100 quest that appears not long you arrive in the zone. They are automatic, so you don’t need to go looking for them. Each artifact weapon will require a different quest for the player to acquire it – which will be determined in a quest that asks which weapon/spec they’d like to have. 

Be aware that with some artifact weapons; once you have begun the quest to acquire them, you will need to complete it before logging off, as they take place in instances. If you make the mistake of logging out in the middle of the quest, you’ll be booted from the instance and unable to return to it. 

Below you will find everything you need to know about the artifact weapons for the first three classes. Guides for the other classes will follow shortly and include:

Druid and Hunter Mage, Monk, and Priest Paladin Rogue, Shaman, and Warlock Warrior and Other artifacts

Below we have complete World of Warcraft: Legion Artifact Weapons guides for the Death Knight and Demon Hunter classes. You’ll find information on everything from the quest required to get your hands on the weapon to stats and traits. 

Death Knight

Maw of the Damned - Blood Spec - Two-Handed Axe


Acquisition quest: The Dead and the Damned 

Equip effect: Harmful attacks have a chance to deal Blood damage and increase your health by 15% for 10 sec.


Item Level 750 Binds on pickup 2642 - 3964 Damage (917. 5 DPS) 3. 60 Speed +511 Strength +766 Stamina +346 Critical Strike +332 Mastery

Relic slots:

Blood Artifact Iron Artifact Shadow Artifact

Artifact traits:

Blades of the Fallen Prince (Icebringer and Frostreaper) - Frost Spec - Dual Wield Blades


Acquisition quest: The Call of Icecrown

Equip effect: Damaging attacks have a chance to invoke the spirit of past Lich King, dealing damage and granting an energizing effect.



Item Level 750 Binds on pickup  Main Hand 1297 - 2410 Damage (712. 9 DPS) 2. 60 Speed +219 Strength +328 Stamina +148 Critical Strike +142 Mastery


Item Level 750 Binds on pickup Off Hand 1297 Damage (712. 9 DPS) 2. 60 Speed +219 Strength +328 Stamina +148 Critical Strike +142 Mastery

Relic slots (Icebringer only): 

Frost Artifact x 2 Shadow Artifact

Artifact traits:


Apocalypse - Unholy spec - Two-Handed Sword


Acquisition quest: The Dark Riders

Equip effect: Attacks have a chance to summon a member of your Army of the Dead.


Item Level 750 Binds on pickup 2642 - 3964 Damage (917. 5 DPS) 3. 60 Speed +511 Strength +766 Stamina +346 Critical Strike +332 Mastery

Relic slots:

Blood Artifact Fire Artifact Shadow Artifact

Artifact traits: 


Demon Hunter

Twinblades of the Deceiver (Verus and Muramas) - Havoc Spec - Dual Wield Warglaives

Acquisition quest: The Hunt

Equip effect: Demon’s Bite has a chance to empower next 3 Chaos Strikes, causing them to be guaranteed critical strikes and deal 50% of the damage dealt additionally over the next 6 seconds.



Item Level 750 Binds on pickup  Main Hand 1297 - 2410 Damage (712. 9 DPS) 2. 60 Speed +219 Agility +328 Stamina +148 Critical Strike +142 Mastery


Item Level 750 Binds on pickup Off Hand 1297 - 2410 Damage (712. 9 DPS) 2. 60 Speed +219 Agility +328 Stamina +148 Critical Strike +142 Mastery

Relic slots (Verus only):

Fel Artifact x 2 Shadow Artifact

Artifact traits:

Aldrachi Warblades - Vengeance Spec - Dual Wield Warglaives

Acquisition quest: Aldrachi Warblades Chosen

Equip effect: Grants the Soul Carver ability, which slashes your target for Fire damage and tears Lesser Soul Fragments out of them.


First Blade

Item Level 750 Binds on pickup  Main Hand 1297 - 2410 Damage (712. 9 DPS) 2. 60 Speed +219 Agility +328 Stamina +148 Critical Strike +142 Mastery

Second Blade

Item Level 750 Binds on pickup Off Hand 1297 - 2410 Damage (712. 9 DPS) 2. 60 Speed +219 Agility +328 Stamina +148 Critical Strike +142 Mastery

Relic Slots:

Iron Artifact Arcane Artifact

 Artifact Traits:


And there you have it, complete guides for the first two Artifact Weapons in World of Warcraft: Legion. If you’re looking for another class, you’ll be able to find it in one of the following guides.

Druid and Hunter Mage, Monk, and Priest Paladin Rogue, Shaman, and Warlock Warrior and Other artifacts