These traits work like the older talent system, giving things like increased damage to certain abilities or reduced damage taken. I’m here to list the best relics for each weapon and what they do.

This guide will go over everything about artifact relics in Legion including:

Artifact Relic Info - What relics are and how they work. Best Artifact Relics for Each Weapon - The top 3 relics you want to get for each weapon. Death Knight Demon Hunter Druid Hunter Mage Monk Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior

Artifact Relic Info

Each weapon can have a total of 3 relic slots. Each slot is a certain type, like fire, life, blood, etc. Relics add ranks to one of your weapon’s traits.   You still get the benefit even if you haven’t reached that trait yet.

It is important to know that even if you maxed a trait, relics can go beyond that to add even more.

You also still need to put the full amount of points in a trait to move on, even if you have some added from a relic.

For example: If you have 2 points in a trait that has a max of 3, but get a 3rd point from a relic, you must still put another point in before you can move to the next trait.

Best Artifact Relics for Each Weapon

I’m going to list each weapon alphabetically by class, then spec. I’ll also list what types of relics each weapon can hold. Relics also only add points to the traits that have a max of 3 ranks.

Death Knight

Blood Relics

Blood Iron Shadow

Top Relics

Vampiric Fangs - Increases the max HP gained by Vampiric blood by 10% and increases healing received by an additional 10%. Meat Shield - Increases max Stamina by 1%. Veinrender - Increases damage done by Heart Strike by 3%.

Frost Relics

Frost Frost Shadow

Top Relics

Nothing but the Boots - Increases critical strike damage of Obliterate and Frostscythe by 6%. Ambidexterity - Increases off-hand weapon damage of Frost Strike and Obliterate by 10%. Cold as Ice - Increases all Frost damage to deal by 1%.

Unholy Relics

Blood Fire Shadow

Top Relics

The Darkest Crusade - Increases the effect of your Fallen Crusader Runeforge by 10%. Plague Bearer - Increases the damage done by your Virulent Plague by 7%. Rotten Touch - Increases damage done by Festering Strike by 7%.

Demon Hunter

Havoc Relics

Fel Fel Shadow

Top Relics

Sharpened Glaives - Increases the damage dealt by Throw Glaive by 5%. Critical Chaos - Increases critical strike damage of Chaos Strike by 6%. Unleashed Demons - Reduces cooldown of Metamorphosis by 20 seconds.

Vengeance Relics

Iron Arcane Fel

Top Relics

Devour Souls - Soul Cleave heals for an additional 3%. Embrace the Pain - Increases max health gained by Metamorphosis by an additional 5%. Aldrachi Design - Increases your chance to parry by 1%.


Balance Relics

Arcane Arcane Life

Top Relics

Scythe of the Stars - Increases the critical strike chance of Starsurge by 6%. Falling Star - Increases the damage bonus of Stellar Empowerment by 10%. Solar Stabbing - Increases damage done by Solar Wrath by 5%.

Feral Relics

Blood Frost Life

Top Relics

Razor Fangs - Increases the damage dealt by Rip by 7%. Tear the Flesh - Increases the damage dealt by Rake by 7%. Ashamane’s Energy - Tiger’s Fury generates an extra 5 energy every 1 second for 3 seconds.

Guardian Relics

Blood Fire Life

Top Relics

Wildflesh - Increases healing done by Frenzied Regeneration by 5%. Ursoc’s Endurance - Increases the duration of Barkskin, Iron Fur, and Mark of Ursol by 0. 5 seconds. Reinforced Fur - Ironfur increases armor by an additional 4%.

Restoration Relics

Frost Life Life

Top Relics

Knowledge of the Ancients - Increases mana regeneration by 2% Infusion of Nature - Reduces mana cost of Wild Growth by 2%. Grovewalker - Increases all healing over time you do by 1%.


Beast Mastery Relics

Arcane Iron Storm

Top Relics

Pack Leader - Increases the damage dealt by Kill Command by 5%. Jaws of Thunder - Kill Command has a 10% chance to deal 50% of its damage as Nature damage. Furious Swipes - Increases damage done by Beast Cleave by 10%.

Markmanship Relics

Blood Life Storm

Top Relics

Windrunner’s Guidance - Increases the damage dealt by Marked Shot by 3%. Precision - Increases the critical strike chance of Marked Shot by 3%. Marked for Death - Marked Shot increases the critical strike chance of Aimed Shot by 2% against the target for 10 seconds.

Survival Relics

Blood Iron Storm

Top Relics

Sharpened Fang - Increases damage dealt by Mongoose Bite by 3%. Explosive Force - Increases Explosive Trap damage by 3%. Lacerating Talons - Increases damage of Lacerate by 3%.


Arcane Relics

Arcane Arcane Frost

Top Relics

Ethereal Sensitivity - Spells have a 1% increases chance to activate Arcane Missiles. Aegwynn’s Wrath - Increases Critical Strike chance by 1%. Blasting Rod - Increases damage done by Arcane Blast by 2%.

Fire Relics

Arcane Fire Fire

Top Relics

Pyroclasmic Paranoia - Increases the damage dealt by Pyroblast by 2%. Fire at Will - Decreases the cast time of Fireball by 3%. Everburning Consumption - Increases damage dealt by ignite by 4%.

Frost Relics

Arcane Frost Frost

Top Relics

Let it Go - Increases the critical strike damage of Ice Lance by 4%. Frozen Veins - Frostbolt critical strikes reduce the remaining cooldown of Icy Veins by 0. 5 seconds. Ice Age - Increases damage of Flurry by 5%.


Brewmaster Relics

Iron Life Storm

Top Relics

Hot Blooded - Increases the damage done by Breath of Fire’s Burning effect by 50% and reduces the target’s damage done to you by 4%. Overflow - Each time Gift of the Ox generates a Healing Sphere, it has a 5% chance to generate a Greater Healing Sphere that heals for twice as much. Dark Side of the Moon - Blackout Strike also reduces the damage of the target’s next auto attack against you by 4%.

Mistweaver Relics

Frost Life Storm

Top Relics

Extended Healing - Increases the duration of Renewing Mist by 1 second. Way of the Mistweaver - Increases healing done by Enveloping Mist by 3%. Infusion of Life - Increases healing done by Vivify by 5%.

Windwalker Relics

Iron Storm Storm

Top Relics

Fists of the Winds - Increases the damage dealt by Fists of Fury by 5%. Rising Winds - Increases damage dealt by Rising Sun Kick by 5%. Inner Peace - Increases max Energy by 10.


Holy Relics

Holy Holy Life

Top Relics

Shock Treatment - Increases the critical strike damage and healing of Holy Shock by 8%. Deliver the Light - Increases the healing done by holy Light and Flash of Light by 3%. Expel the Darkness - Increases the healing done by Light of Dawn by 3%.

Protection Relics

Arcane Holy Iron

Top Relics

Faith’s Armor - Increases Armor by 20% when under 40% health. Scatter the Shadows - Increases healing done by Light of the Protector by 10%. Consecration in Flame - Increases the duration of Consecration by 1 second.

Retribution Relics

Fire Holy Holy

Top Relics

Wrath of the Ashbringer - Increases the duration of Avenging Wrath/Crusade by 2. 5 seconds. Highlord’s Judgment - Increases damage dealt by Judgment by 8%. Deliver the Justice - Increases damage dealt by Blade of Justice/Divine Hammer/Blade of Wrath by 8%.


Discipline Relics

Holy Holy Shadow

Top Relics

Confession - Increases damage dealt by Penance by 4%. The Edge of Dark and Light - Increases damage dealt by Shadow Word: Pain by 5%. Shield of Faith - Increases the damage absorbed by Power Word: Shield by 5%.

Holy Relics

Holy Holy Life

Top Relics

Serenity Now - Increases the critical strike chance of Holy word: Serenity by 5%. Reverence - Increases healing done by Flash Heal and Heal by 3%. Words of Healing - Increases healing done by Holy Word spells by 3%.

Shadow Relics

Blood Shadow Shadow

Top Relics

Unleash the Shadows - Vampiric Touch critical strikes have a 15% chance to generate a Shadowy Apparition. Creeping Shadows - Increases Shadow damage dealt by 1%. To the Pain - Increases damage of Shadow Word: Pain by 6%.


Assassination Relics

Blood Iron Shadow

Top Relics

Gushing Wound - Increases damage dealt by Rupture by 3%. Serrated Edge - Increases critical strike chance of Rupture by 3%. Balanced Blades - Increases critical strike chance of Mutilate by 2%.

Outlaw Relics

Blood Iron Storm

Top Relics

Fate’s Thirst - Increases damage dealt by Run Through by 8%. Fortune’s Strike - Increases damage dealt by Main Gauche by 10%. Fatebringer - Reduces the energy cost of finishing moves by 4.

Subtley Relics

Fel Fel Shadow

Top Relics

Demon’s Kiss - Increases damage of Nightblade by 5%. Gutripper - Increases critical strike chance of Eviscerate by 5%. Precision Strike - Increases damage of Shadowstrike by 5%.


Elemental Relics

Frost Storm Storm

Top Relics

Lava Imbued - Increases damage dealt by Lava Burst by 3%. Molten Blast - Increases critical strike damage done by Lava Burst by 2%. Call the Thunder - Increases the Nature damage you deal by 1%.

Enhancement Relics

Fire Iron Storm

Top Relics

Wind Strikes- When Stormbringer resets the remaining cooldown of Stormstrike, you gain 10% attack speed for 3 seconds. Gathering Storms - Each target hit by Crash Lightning increases the damage you deal with your next Stormstrike within 12 seconds by 2%. Weapons of the Elements - Increases damage done by Flametongue, Rockbiter/Boulderfist, and Frostbrand by 3%

Restoration Relics

Frost Life Life

Top Relics

Queen Ascendant - Your direct heal criticals reduce the cast time of your next heal by 5%. Tidal Chains - Tidal Waves reduces cast time and increases critical effect chance by an additional 10%. Pull of the Sea - Increases healing done by Riptide by 6%.


Affliction Relics

Blood Shadow Shadow

Top Relics

Shadowy Incantations - Increases your Shadow damage dealt by 1%. Inimitable Agony- Increases damage dealt by Agony by 4%. Inherently Stable - Increases critical strike chance of Unstable Affliction by 2%.

Demonology Relics

Fel Fire Shadow

Top Relics

Summoner’s Prowess - Increases the health and haste provided by Demonic Empowerment by 2%. Infernal Furnace - Increases the damage dealt by Wild Imp’s Firebolt by 10%. The Doom of Azeroth - Increases damage done by Doom by 10%

Destruction Relics

Fel Fel Fire

Top Relics

Chaotic Instability - Increases critical strike damage of Chaos Bolt by 3%. Burning Hunger - Increases critical strike chance of Immolate by 8%. Residual Flames - Increases damage dealt by Immolate by 6%.


Arms Relics

Blood Iron Shadow

Top Relics

Exploit the Weakness - Tactician’s chance to trigger is increased as if you spent 10% more rage. Precise Strikes - Colossus Smash reduces the rage cost of your next Mortal Strike or Execute by 15% Many Will Fall - Increases damage dealt by Whirlwind by 5%.

Fury Relics

Fire Iron Storm

Top Relics

Wrath of Fury - Increases damage dealt by Raging Blow by 5%. Unrivaled Strength - Increases the critical strike damage you deal by 5% during Battle Cry. Raging Berserker - Increases damage you deal while enraged by 1%

Protection Relics

Blood Fire Iron

Top Relics

Dragon Skin - Increases the total damage ignore by Ignore Pain by 2%. Vrykul Shield Training - Increases armor by 2%. Shatter the Bones - Increases the critical strike chance of Shield Slam by 5% during Shield Block.

That’s it for the guide on best artifact relics for each weapon in Legion. Let me know if you have any questions!