NA and EU players on certain realms will be able to migrate to specified new and previously existing realms in the near future, and with them will come free transfers for players just tired of the queues or trying to get in with their friends or guildmates at a reasonable time.

The eligible realms and their targets for North America and Europe are as follows.

NA WoW Classic Server Transfers

Arugal players will be able to transfer to Felstriker Faerlina and Stalagg players will be able to transfer to Heartseeker Herod and Skeram players will be able to transfer to Earthfury Incendius and Thalnos players will be able to transfer to Netherwind Fairbanks and Whitemane players will be able to transfer to Arcanite Reaper Bigglesworth players will be able to transfer to Anathema Pagle players will be able to transfer to Windseeker Grobbulus players will be able to transfer to Deviate Delight

EU WoW Classic Server Transfers


Shazzrah and Golemagg players will be able to transfer to Dragonfang Firemane and Gehennas players will be able to transfer to Earthshaker Mograine players will be able to transfer to Judgement Razorgore players will be able to transfer to Bloodfang


Sulfuron players will be able to transfer to Amnennar and Finkle


Lucifron players will be able to transfer to Transcendence

When these transfers will open is yet unknown, but Blizzard will likely spill the beans on when they are available very soon.

Are you planning on transferring? Let us know in the comments below — I sure as heck won’t be leaving Whitemane — and check out our handful of WoW Classic guides!