As someone learning to improve, diversify, and challenge myself as a writer daily, I found this subject of interests. The people who write these stories paint vivid pictures of characters that come to life and force us to either love or hate them. Either way, we find them interesting and want to know what happens at the end of the adventure.

Without further ado, here are the nominees:

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate

Story by Marc-Alexis Cote, Hugo Giard, Corey May, Jeffrey Yohalem Narrative Director - Corey May Lead Writer - Jeffrey Yohalem Assistant Narrative Director - Melissa MacCoubrey Scriptwriters - Russell Lees, Mark Llabres Hill, James Nadiger, Jared Schincariol, Travis Stout, Ceri Young Additional Writing - Judith Flanders, C. J. Kershner, Gabrielle Shrager, Danny Wallace Additional Senior Writer - Paul Monk Ubisoft

Pillars of Eternity

Lead Writer - Eric Fenstermaker Writers - Carrie Patel, Olivia Veras Additional Writing - Chris Avellone, Jeff Hughes, Matt MacLean, Jorge Salgado, Josh Sawyer, George Ziets Obsidian Entertainment

Rise of the Tomb Raider

Lead Narrative Designer - John Stafford Narrative Designer - Cameron Suey Lead Writer - Rhianna Pratchett Additional Writer - Philip Gelatt Microsoft

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Lead Writer - Marcin Blacha Lead English Writer - Borys Pugacz-Muraszkiewicz Writers - Arkadiusz Borowik, Aleksandra Motyka, Bartosz Ochman, Karolina Stachyra, Jakub Szamalek Additional Writers - Marcin Batylda, Michal Galek, Tomasz Marchewka, Robert Oglodzinski, Rafal Praszalek, Artur Sliwinski, Stanislaw Swiecicki, Pawel Zych Story - Marcin Blacha, Jakub Szamalek CD Projekt

Best of luck to all of the writers nominated for this award! Now tell us who would you vote for?

Writers Guild announces their game nominations of 2015 - 80