A demo was shown of Halo 4 being played on a Windows PC and Windows phone in a company meeting. Penello expressed concerns over the demo being made public and wishes that it stayed private because it was only to be successful because of an extremely strong network connection.

Penello goes on to say that network needs to get better for something like this to work. This means that if you plan on getting an Xbox One, but still want to play the new games coming out for the Xbox 360, you should keep both. The last thing you want is to get a new 360 game and find out that you will not be able to play it on the One.

  • Albert Penello, Senior Director, Xbox Project Management

Sony seems to be having similar problems with their backwards compatibility for PlayStation 4 as well, so the technology may not be there yet. The cloud backwards compatibility may not work very well, if at all, on the launch for either console, but that doesn’t mean it won’t work in the near future.

Looks like you’ll want to keep their predecessors.

Does this news make you think twice about getting a new console, or were you planning on keeping the old consoles anyway? Discuss in the comments.