I’ll help you master this ranged class by explaining the Arts, Skills, and giving tips on playing it. If you want help with the base Commando class, or any other class, check out my Base Class Guide.

This guide will go over the Partisan Eagle and Astral Crusader classes in Xenoblade Chronicles X including:

Partisan Eagle and Astral Crusader Info - Arts, weapon, and Skill for these classes. Astral Crusader Tips - Tips for what kind of play style to expect when playing Astral Crusader.

Partisan Eagle 

This branch focuses on ranged damage and accuracy. It enables combos and debuffs from a safe distance. This is a good class for dealing Electric damage and resisting it.

Weapons - Sniper Rifle and Javelin


Shrapnel (Sniper Rifle) - Deals weapon damage and increases appendage damage on a single enemy. Acquired at Rank 1 Ranged attack

Arcing Horn (Javelin) - Deals weapon damage and inflicts electric Res Down on a single enemy. Increased damage when used in a melee combo. Acquired at Rank 1 Melee attack

Eagle Eye (Sniper Rifle) - Grants Ranged Accuracy Up and Ranged Attack Up to nearby allies. Acquired at Rank 2 Buff Raijin (Javelin) - Increases critical chance, restores HP when using Arts, and reflects Electric attacks for user. Acquired at Rank 3 Aura, costs 1,000 TP First Down (Sniper Rifle) - Deals weapon damage and inflicts Topple on Humanoids for a single enemy. Acquired at Rank 4 Ranged attack

Spiral Horn (Javelin) - Deals weapon damage and inflicts Physical Res Down to all enemies ahead. Increased damage in melee combos. Acquired at Rank 6 Melee attack

Intercept (Sniper Rifle) - Deals weapon damage and inflicts Stun on a single enemy. Acquired at Rank 8 Debuff

Skills - 3 slots available

Killshot - Increases critical chance for ranged auto-attacks. Acquired at Rank 2 Electric Guard - Increases Electric Resistance when wielding a melee weapon. Acquired at Rank 3

Electric Boost - Increases Electric damage. Acquired at Rank 5

Knock ’n’ Shock - Grants a chance to inflict Shock 1 when using melee Arts. Acquired at Rank 7

Fleet Feet - Increases Evasion when wielding a melee weapon. Acquired at Rank 9 Piscinoid Slayer - Increases damage to Piscinoid enemies. Acquired at Rank 10

Astral Crusader

This is the enhanced version of Partisan Eagle, which increases ranged attack and accuracy even further.

Weapons - Sniper Rifle and Javelin


Hawkeye (Sniper Rifle) - Grants Critical Power for user. Acquired at Rank 1 Buff

Overwhelm (Javelin) - Deals weapon damage and inflicts Fatigue to a single enemy. More damage for higher HP. Acquired at Rank 1 Debuff

Speed Demon (Javelin) - Reduces cooldowns when sprinting and restores HP for user. Acquired at Rank 2 Aura, costs 1,000 TP Sidewinder (Sniper Rifle) - Deals weapon damage and inflicts Debuff Res Down on a single enemy. Acquired at Rank 3 Ranged attack

Hair Trigger (Javelin) - Grants Supercharge to user. Acquired at Rank 4 Buff

Ghost Sniper (Sniper Rifle) - Boosts critical chance, increases TP with criticals, and increases ranged accuracy for user. Acquired at Rank 6 Aura, costs 1,000 TP

Trident Buster (Javelin) - Deals Electric damage and inflicts shock to all enemies ahead. Increased damage in ranged combos. Acquired at Rank 8 Melee attack, costs 1,000 TP

Skills - 4 slots available

Long Shot - Increases ranged weapon range. Acquired at Rank 2 Unstoppable - Increases resistance to Stagger, Topple, Knockback, and Launch when sprinting. Acquired at Rank 3

Quick Reload - Reduces cooldown of ranged auto-attacks. Acquired at Rank 5

Conductive Strike - Increases electric damage to enemies inflicted with shock. Acquired at Rank 7

Electric Flesh - Grants a chance to deal electric Spike damage when taking a hit. Acquired at Rank 9 TP Overdrive - Increases TP when using an Art while in Overdrive. Acquired at Rank 10

Astral Crusader Tips

It is clear by some of the Arts and Skills that this is an Electric element class. You don’t need to use them, but if you want Electric, this is the class to pick.

This class is best for ranged damage, and so I would focus on getting abilities and gear that increases that. This would also go well with the Mastermind class.

The Javelin is a good combo weapon with this class, but Knife is also great if you want to use more debuffs and support.

That’s all I have for the Partisan Eagle and Astral Crusader class guide for Xenoblade Chronicles X. Check out my Base Class Guide for tips on any of the other classes

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