I hope you didn’t get your fill running around Kamurocho trying to find the coin locker keys, because finding MesuKing cards is pretty much the same runaround, just with more sub-story requirements to get them all.

You can’t find MesuKing cards before you initiate and complete sub story 68 – but once you do, the district explodes with 59 cards for you to collect and add to your sexy bug lady card collection and use to teach kids life lessons.

All we’re going over in this guide is where and how to find all of the cards sprinkled about Kamurocho, from sub-stories to vendors and keeping an eye on the ground. I highly recommend you use the Card Watcher item (gotten from Kiwami Bob Utsunomiya on Showa St.) when hunting down cards so you don’t have to run around half-blind (as this guide is best used with the item).

So, let’s get to the map. Insect cards are noted in blue and technique cards in yellow.

Underneath I’ve listed all the cards not mapped and how you obtain them. Below that is a list of the cards themselves, and some have notes about their location (such as when they’re indoors or require you press R3 to go into first-person mode to pick up).

Cards not mapped:

Technique cards

002 - Obtained from sub story 68 004 - Can be purchased from Ebisu Pawn 007 - Found in the Underground Red-light District 008 - Obtained from sub story 74 009 - Obtained from sub story 68 012 - Obtained from sub story 72 014 - Can be purchased from Ebisu Pawn 015 - Obtained from sub story 76 016 - Obtained from sub story 71 017 - Obtained from sub story 68 019 - Obtained from sub story 70 022 - Can be bought from the weapon vendors in Purgatory 024 - Can be bought from the weapon vendors in Purgatory 026 - Can be bought from the weapon vendors in Purgatory 028 - Can be bought from the weapon vendors in Purgatory 029 - Found in the Underground Red-light District

Insect cards

001 - Found in the Coliseum lobby 002 - Obtained from sub story 77 004 - Can be bought from the weapon vendors in Purgatory 005 - Can be purchased from Ebisu Pawn 010 - Obtained from sub story 73 015 - Obtained from sub story 68 019 - Can be obtained by repeatedly winning MesuKing battles at Club SEGA. You have to win 15 or so times and can fight anyone via the “Battle with someone” option, and you can do it against the same opponent each time 020 - Obtained from sub story 75 029 - Can be found in Purgatory north of the fountain (Must use R3 to obtain). Location image seen below

Insect cards

001 - Giraffe Stag-Beetle 002 - Hercules Beetle 003 - Empress Cicada 004 - Queen Alexandra Birdwing 005 - Minminzemi Cicada 006 - Iwasakikusa Cicada 007 - Seven-spotted Ladybug 008 - Stag Beetle 009 - Damselfly (Found up in a tree, must use R3 to get) 010 - Japanese Giant Mantis 011 - Miyama Stag Beetle 012 - Paper Wasp 013 - Sawtooth Stag Beetle (Found on the ground behind a sign) 014 - Honey Bee 015 - Japanese Rhino Beetle 016 - Old World Swallowtail (Found pressed between two buildings, must use R3 to get) 017 - Western Hercules Beetle 018 - Small White 019 - Ashy Gray Ladybug 020 - Wasp King 021 - Autumn Darter (Found in a cramped alley) 022 - Walking Flower Mantis 023 - Atlas Moth 024 - Atlas Beetle (Found in a doorway) 025 - Orange Ladybug 026 - Kawana’s Ladybug 027 - Asian Giant Hornet 028 - White-tailed Skimmer 029 - Giant Petaltail 030 - Devil’s Flower Mantis

Technique cards

001 - Cartwheel Kick 002 - Face Masher 003 - Elbow Drop 004 - Super Elbow Drop 005 - Kestrel Punch 006 - Super Kestrel Punch (Found inside Cafe Alps) 007 - Finish Breaker 008 - Last Resort 009 - Omni Choke 010 - Strangle Hold 011 - Romero Special 012 - Super Romero Special 013 - Leg Splitter 014 - Super Leg Splitted 015 - Tie Breaker 016 - Finish Time 017 - Body Slam 018 - Tomoe Nage 019 - Giant Swing 020 - Super Giant Swing 021 - Piledriver (Found inside MEB) 022 - Super Piledriver 023 - Taunt 024 - Counter Heal 025 - Double Drop 026 - Super Double Drop 027 - Banana Split 028 - Mystic Heal 029 - Tornado Back Fist

If you’re less worried about MesuKing and more interested in what’s in those coin lockers, check out my coin locker key locations guide.