In what may be the best contender for the worst game launch of 2016, Zero Time Dilemma has faced many challenges in its short life-span. ZTD’s pre-order watch bonus was delayed due to damaged shipments, and for those lucky few who did manage to get their hands on the game found that ZTD is not currently PlayStation TV compatible.

All of this, plus the game’s short hiatus in 2014 for budgeting concerns and the past poor commercial success in Japan, has Zero Time Dilemma off to a pretty rough start. 

Those who ordered Zero Time Dilemma last year when it was first announced are inherently disappointed – including myself. Luckily, ZTD is receiving excellent marks, and the fan-base, though a small niche community, is highly anticipating this final installment.

Now the question is, is it worth it to go digital and skip the pre-order watch bonus + extra bonus, or to ride out this elusive, delayed waitlist? Let me know how you’re ‘seeking a way out’ of this situation!